Housing affordability: Kazakhstan ranks 13th among Asian countries
in the terms of housing affordability, Kazakhstan ranks 13th place among 40 countries in Asia and 33rd place among 113 countries of the world

According to news originating from Rating.kz, the rating is based on the ratio of the cost of an apartment and the average annual family income, which depends on “net” salaries.
For comparison: Uzbekistan ranks 75th in the rating, Russia – 88th and Belarus – 90th. Countries rich in oil and gas, such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are at the top of the ranking and Syria is at the bottom.
However, the 33rd place in the Republic of Kazakhstan shows that the possibility of obtaining housing is still insufficient. According to the data of the RIA rating, among the 33 countries of Europe, Kazakhstan has a low rate of mortgage loans per capita (excluding Ukraine), although the rate of development of the mortgage market is high compared to other countries.
In general, commercial mortgage loans in Kazakhstan are too expensive for the population.
At the same time, residential real estate in Kazakhstan remains in an affordable price range. Thus, in the rating of countries by the cost of an apartment in the city center from Numbeo, Kazakhstan took 11th place among 104 countries with an indicator of 1,000 US dollars per square meter.
For comparison: Uzbekistan is 14th, Belarus is 37th, Armenia is 60th, Russia is 70th. Egypt, Pakistan and Venezuela are at the top of the ranking, and Hong Kong (China) is at the end.
According to the Bureau of National Statistics of the ASPIR of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the price of new housing in the Republic of Kazakhstan in November of this year was 435.9 thousand tenge per square meter (plus 17.3% per year), and the cost of apartments in the secondary market was 489.7 thousand tenge per square meter. meter (plus 26.9% per year).
Last November, the rise in prices was 15.2% for new housing and 23.1% for the secondary market.