
Heads of CIS News Agencies Discuss Information Exchange Issues

Participants of the 28th meeting of the Council of Heads of the CIS State News Agencies (CIS Information Council) discussed issues of creative cooperation for the next year via video conference.

The meeting was headed by the Chairman of the CIS Information Council, Director General of TASS Sergey Mikhailov.

Heads of news agencies Azertag (Azerbaijan), Armenpress (Armenia), BelTA (Belarus), Kazinform (Kazakhstan), Kabar (Kyrgyzstan), TASS (Russia), Khovar (Tajikistan), and UzA (Uzbekistan) agreed to continue work on coordinating information activities, preparing and implementing joint projects and events aimed at developing cooperation within the CIS in the humanitarian and information spheres.

In the meeting it was also noted the need for cooperation in countering the spread of fake news, which aims to sow distrust between nations.

The participants agreed to develop topics on domestic tourism in the CIS, exchange journalists and implement other joint projects.

Russia-Islamic World


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