
Head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov Enhances Bilateral Ties at KazanForum 2024

Rustam Minnikhanov, the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, underscored the significance of KazanForum 2024 as a platform for fostering bilateral relations with countries within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

During a meeting with ambassadors representing participating countries, Minnikhanov highlighted the forum’s role in strengthening ties, describing it as a “good tradition.” He emphasized the forum’s productive sessions covering diverse topics such as Islamic finance, entrepreneurship, investments, logistics, and halal lifestyle, underscoring the collaboration between Russia and OIC member nations in addressing global challenges.

Minnikhanov showcased Tatarstan’s status as one of Russia’s most industrialized and innovative regions, underscoring its pivotal role in economic cooperation. He also highlighted the forthcoming meeting of the Strategic Vision Group “Russia – Islamic World,” emphasizing its importance as an active mechanism for Russia’s engagement with the Islamic world.

Furthermore, Minnikhanov noted the significant growth in economic relations between Tatarstan and OIC member states, citing increased trade turnover with countries including Egypt, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, and Türkiye.




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