
“Dok-1 Max” drugs may be main cause of mass fatalities in Samarkand

Uzbekistan temporarily banned the sale of the Indian drug “Dok-1 Max”which is being used for against colds and flu. It was stated that on the social media in Uzbekistan allegations appeared about the drug may have caused the death of 15 children who died in the Samarkand region, Turanews.kz reports with reference to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The source of the allegations is a letter of the head of the multidisciplinary children’s medical center of Samarkand region of Uzbekistan was circulated on social networks, saying that the death of 15 children was connected with the drug “Dok-1 Max”.
“In most of the children, it was noticed that the kidneys were damaged. In the last two months, 21 patients who had side effects from taking this medicine came to the center. Anuria was mainly observed in sick children. The condition of 17 of them was very serious, even hemodialysis had to be done several times. 15 people were killed,” the letter said.
According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Agency for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry immediately took control of the situation.

In the statement by the Ministry of Health of Republic of Uzbekistan, it noted a special group which includes employees of the department, the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Expertise, children’s nephrologists, and pediatricians were crated.

“The Indian Marion Biotech Pvt. Ltd’s Dok-1 max medicines with lemon and honey flavor which ones are sold in Samarkand pharmacies, the are tested according to the established procedure. After the laboratory analysis is completed, the results will be made public. Starting from December 22, 2022, the sale of these drugs in the country has been temporarily suspended,” said the presse service of the ministry.



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