
Central Asian Security Council Secretaries Unite for Regional Security

The inaugural meeting of the Central Asian Security Council Secretaries convened in the capital to strengthen cooperation across three critical security fronts.

Gizat Nurdauletov, Secretary of the Security Council of Kazakhstan, underscored the significance of this gathering in elevating Central Asian integration, fostered by the steadfast efforts of regional leaders. He emphasized the pivotal role of the upcoming 6th Summit in Astana, slated for August, in deepening regional ties across various sectors, including trade, industry, energy, and transportation.

Against the backdrop of geopolitical and geoeconomic uncertainties, Nurdauletov echoed President Tokaev Kassym-Jomart Kemeluly’s sentiments on the urgent need to unite against internal and external threats. The platform aims to not only bolster security but also enhance political and trade-economic cooperation. Nurdauletov expressed gratitude for the fraternal support extended by neighboring countries in response to recent floods in Kazakhstan.

Highlighting three focal points for initial action, Nurdauletov outlined commitments to address water and energy security, food security, and the development of transportation and logistics infrastructure. This concerted effort reflects a strategic commitment to fortify regional stability and prosperity.



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