
Activist’s Sentencing in Bashkiria Sparks Clashes Between Protesters and Police

The sentencing of prominent activist Fail Alsynov in Bashkiria has ignited clashes between protesters and law enforcement.

The Baymaksky Court of Bashkortostan witnessed a tumultuous scene as thousands gathered to protest the sentencing of prominent activist Fail Alsynov. Convicted of inciting hatred, Alsynov received a four-year prison term and was promptly taken into custody. The situation escalated when protesters, refusing to disperse, blocked the road, hindering the paddy wagon’s exit from the courthouse and leading to clashes with law enforcement.

Alsynov, renowned for his defense of Kushtau Shikhan in 2020, an ancient hill threatened by development, faced charges stemming from his participation in a rally against gold mining last year.

Expressing gratitude to his supporters, Alsynov, in a recording shared by RusNews, declared his innocence and voiced intentions to appeal. He expressed surprise at the verdict, emphasizing that while the prosecutor sought a settlement in a colony, he received a general regime colony sentence.

During previous hearings, hundreds gathered outside the courthouse, but the crowd swelled on the day of the verdict. The assembled protesters refused to disperse, echoing chants of “Shame!” Riot police, equipped with shields and batons, attempted to clear a path for the paddy wagon, leading to confrontations and arrests. Social media videos depicted protesters retaliating by throwing snowballs at the security forces.

Reports indicate that security forces deployed smoke and tear gas bombs during clashes with protesters, resulting in injuries and necessitating the arrival of an ambulance at the courthouse. The incident underscores heightened tensions surrounding the sentencing of activists and the contentious issues at the heart of these protests.





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