
A complete ban on energy drinks may be introduced in Kyrgyzstan

In order to protect the health of the citizens of Kyrgyzstan and to reduce the diseases caused by the consumption of energy drinks, the deputies of Kyrgyzstan Supreme Council proposed a complete ban on the import, production and sale of energy drinks. The relevant draft law has been released for public discussion,  Kazinform reports citing thepress service of Supreme Council of the Kyrgyzstan Republic.

Currently, the sale of energy drinks to children is already prohibited in the country.

In addition, Kyrgyz parliamentarians are concerned about the consumption of energy drinks among the adult population, as they do not fully understand the health risks of the drink.

Energy drinks contain enough stimulants to cause irritability, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations and other unpleasant conditions.

Excessive consumption of such drinks can lead to serious diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract and stimulants used in energy drinks are addictive.

Regular users do not get the desired effect as they increase the dose, resulting in irritability, fatigue and depression.



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