
Exchange Rates for December 17: Dollar, Euro, and Ruble

The National Bank of Kazakhstan has set the official exchange rates for December 17. The US dollar is valued at 522.49 tenge, the euro at 547.88 tenge, and the Russian ruble at 5.06 tenge.

In local exchange offices, rates vary slightly. In Almaty, the dollar is sold at 521.5 tenge and bought at 526.5 tenge. The euro trades between 547.5 and 554.5 tenge.

In Astana, the selling price of the dollar is 520 tenge, while the buying price is 527 tenge. The euro is sold for 546 tenge and purchased at 553 tenge.

As for the Russian ruble, it is trading on the exchange between 4.99 and 5.13 tenge. For context, during the evening session on December 13, the average dollar rate dropped slightly by 0.10 tenge to 522.80 tenge.



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