
Kyrgyzstan Proposes Tougher Penalties for Corruption

Kyrgyzstan has introduced a proposal to increase penalties for corruption and crimes against the interests of state and municipal services. The draft law suggests several changes aimed at tightening the legal framework.

Key changes include:

  • A ban on individuals taking state or municipal positions if their spouse or close relatives have been convicted of serious crimes, or if their criminal cases were dismissed on non-rehabilitating grounds.
  • A mandatory lifetime ban on holding public office for individuals convicted of corruption crimes.
  • The removal of fines as a punishment for corruption offenses.
  • A requirement that those convicted of corruption serve no less than half of the maximum prison term if they admit guilt and fully compensate for material damages.

Currently, in Kyrgyzstan, many officials convicted of corruption face fines rather than prison time, which creates a sense of impunity among those prone to corruption. The initiators of the law believe that stricter penalties will help prevent corruption and reinforce the principle of accountability in criminal law.

In addition, the Kyrgyz government is also working to toughen penalties for crimes affecting foreigners and for public calls for extremist activities or the violent seizure of power.



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