On September 22, 2023, customs officials at Almaty International Airport stopped an individual attempting to smuggle 34 undeclared iPhone 15 mobile phones into the country, TuraNews.kz reports.
The preliminary customs value of the phones is 25.3 million tenge ($53 500 USD), and the estimated amount of damage is 3.1 million tenge ($6 500 USD).
The violator faces a fine of 103.5 thousand tenge ($220 USD) according to Part 1 of Article 551 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Mobile phones are classified as personal goods, and individuals are only allowed to bring two units per person across the customs border.
The detained goods have been moved to a temporary storage warehouse to undergo customs clearance and obtain permits.
As a reminder, according to Kazakhtan’s lawas, mobile phones are classified as personal goods and when moved by individuals across the customs border, their quantity should be no more than two units per person (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 250 dated March 31, 2015).