
Turkish President calls on world to recognize Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on the international community to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) as a sovereign state on July 20, Turanews.kz reports.

Erdogan made the remarks during a ceremony in the TRNC to mark the 49th anniversary of Cyprus Peace Operation. The operation came after a coup attempt by Greek Cypriots, who wanted to unite Cyprus with Greece.

“The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a state that has been established on its own land and with its own people. It is a state that has its own government, its own flag, its own currency, and its own institutions.” Erdogan said.

Erdogan said that the TRNC has been a “victim of injustice” for 49 years because it has not been recognized by the international community. He called on the world to “correct this injustice” and recognize the TRNC.

“We call on all countries to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a sovereign state as soon as possible,” Erdogan said. “This is the only way to achieve a just and lasting solution to the Cyprus problem.”

The TRNC is only recognized by Türkiye, which maintains a military presence in the region. The Greek Cypriot government, which controls the southern part of the island, does not recognize the TRNC.

Erdogan’s call for the recognition of the TRNC is likely to be seen as a provocation by Greek Cypriots. However, it is also likely to be welcomed by Turkish Cypriots, who are keen to achieve international recognition for their country.

In his speech, Erdogan also commemorated the Turkish soldiers who died in the 1974 operation. He said that Türkiye will always be the guarantor of the existence and sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriots.

“We will never abandon our brothers and sisters in the TRNCWe will always be with them, and we will always protect them.” Erdogan said.



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