
President Erdogan: The century of Türkiye will also be the century of the Turkic world

After the elections, Turkish President Erdogan made his first overseas visits to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Azerbaijan. He gave a message of unity and solidarity during his visits. In a post on social media, Erdogan said, “Hopefully, the century of Türkiye will also be the century of the Turkic world.”

Turkish Leader returned home from TRNC and Azerbaijan, where he made his first country visits after the 14 and 28 May elections.

In a statement on his social media account, President Erdoğan said, “The century of Türkiye will also be the century of the Turkic world.”

Erdogan stated that they are making efforts to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Organization of Turkic States. He said, “As Türkiye and Azerbaijan, we have a strategic position between the East and the West. Our cooperation in every field, from trade to energy, from the defense industry to transportation, will deepen in a way befitting our brotherhood.”

President Erdogan continued, “With the signing of the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, our region will attain much more prosperous conditions. We are carrying out this dialogue process in full coordination with my brother Ilham Aliyev. I also believe that we will see the positive results of these contacts in the near future.

On this occasion, I commemorate the General Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, who left us the legacy of the ‘two states, one nation’ slogan, with mercy and gratitude on the 100th anniversary of his birth. Together with Commander-in-Chief Muzaffer Ali and President Ilham Aliyev, we will continue to develop our relations in every field.”



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