
Zhaparov: OTS can turn into an important international platform

The President of Kyrgyzstan spoke at an extraordinary meeting of the Organization of Turkic States in Ankara

The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov stressed the need to develop mechanisms for responding to natural disasters as soon as possible. The head of state stated this during his speech at an extraordinary meeting of the leaders of the countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Ankara.

“In a rapidly changing world, our regional cooperation is becoming a more influential and effective tool in modern interstate relations,” Zhaparov said.

The President of Kyrgyz Republic noted that the OTS summit is taking place in a special situation. The entire world community was shocked by the news of the earthquake in southern Türkiye, which caused huge destruction and loss of life, he said.

“The earthquake that occured in Türkiye is a great tragedy. The people of Kyrgyz Republic share the grief of our Turkish brothers, who are experiencing the severe consequences of the disaster. Once again, I offer sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. I believe that the Turkish people will come out of this test with dignity and become even stronger. We reaffirm that we are ready to support and assist in all the efforts of the Turkish government to eliminate the consequences of the earthquake at such a difficult time,” Zhaparov stressed.

The Kyrgyz leader highly appreciated the combined efforts of the Turkic world to provide assistance and support to Türkiye. He recalled that immediately after the natural disaster, rescue teams from Kyrgyzstan were sent to Türkiye, numbering 182 people.

Zhaparov noted that the Kyrgyz side attaches great importance to regular high-level meetings between the OTS countries. The high level of political dialogue between the participating countries is maintained, he noted.

During his speech, the politician focused on the fact that the organization for a short period of its existence has already become an effective mechanism that develops cooperation between the peoples and countries participating in the OTS, clearly demonstrating solidarity and unity in the international arena.

“In a rapidly changing world, our regional cooperation is becoming a more influential and effective tool in modern interstate relations,” Zhaparov added.

Zhaparov noted that in connection with the recent unfortunate events in Türkiye, it became necessary to create a mechanism for collective warning and forecasting of crisis situations. In this regard, the initiative of the Turkish side to create a mechanism for the civil protection of the Turkic states through the Ministry of Emergency Situations is welcomed, he said.

According to him, Kyrgyzstan is always ready to share its experience in this area and contribute to the common cause of preventing and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters.

The head of state added that the opportunities between individual OTS countries are not fully used due to the presence of barriers that hinder the growth of trade in the region. In this context, the further development of trade and economic relations within the framework of the organization is of great interest to Kyrgyzstan, he said.

The President of Kyrgyzstan also wished success to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the upcoming presidential elections and noted his contribution to the development of the country.


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