
YTB Türkiye Alumni Forum kicks off in Istanbul

“Türkiye Alumni” who continue their careers in various countries around the world by receiving education in different levels and fields in Türkiye, came together at the Türkiye Alumni Forum held in Megapolis Istanbul.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, President of the Turks Abroad and Related Communities of the Republic of Türkiye (YTB), Abdullah Eren said that “When we describe the power of a country, we take in account its military and intelligence power in first place however one of the biggest components in a country’s power definition is human resources. The human resource is not only composed of its own citizens but also can appeal to a geography of the commonly shared values that transcends the borders.”

Eren continued his words as follows:

“In the therms of geography, because of it’s historical and cultural background and also its mission in international politics today, Türkiye has a great human resources who are connected to each other with their hearts in around the world.

We are very happy to have you in here as Türkiye alumni! Because you are one of our the greast achievement!” he said.


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