
Women’s Beauty Salons in Afghanistan Shuttered by Taliban

The Taliban (Taliban is banned in Kazakhstan) government in Afghanistan has issued an order to close all hairdressers and beauty salons in the country within a month. This is the latest in a series of restrictions on women’s rights imposed by the Taliban since they took control of the country in August 2021, reports.

Women’s hairdressers and beauty salons have been a lifeline for many women in Afghanistan. They have provided jobs for women and a safe space for women to socialize and interact with each other. The closure of these businesses will have a devastating impact on women’s economic opportunities and social well-being.

The Taliban’s decision to ban women’s hairdressers and beauty salons is part of a broader pattern of discrimination against women in Afghanistan. The Taliban has also banned women from working in most government jobs, attending universities, and traveling alone.

The international community has condemned the Taliban’s restrictions on women’s rights. The United Nations has called on the Taliban to reverse its decision to close women’s hairdressers and beauty salons.

The closure of women’s hairdressers and beauty salons is a major setback for women’s rights in Afghanistan. It is a reminder that the Taliban is still committed to repressing women and denying them their basic rights.


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