
Will TikTok Face a Ban in Kazakhstan?

During a session on June 6, Vice Minister of Culture and Information, Kanat Iskakov, addressed concerns about the potential blocking of TikTok in Kazakhstan before the Senate.

Iskakov clarified that there are currently no plans to block the popular social network in the country. However, he hinted at the possibility of implementing certain restrictions if necessary.

“At present, the issue of blocking TikTok is not under consideration. However, measures, including access restrictions, may be taken in the event of non-compliance with legal requirements,” stated Vice Minister Iskakov.

He further highlighted ongoing collaboration between the ministry and TikTok representatives to address content-related issues.

“In terms of violations, official requests have been issued citing various issues such as dissemination of false information, inappropriate content for children, and instances of defamation. We maintain a record of these violations. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that we engage with all online platform administrators,” Iskakov added.

Earlier, on April 22, Minister of Culture and Information, Aida Balaeva, had hinted at the possibility of blocking TikTok due to increasing cases of fraud and misinformation on the platform.




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