Why you should not ignore a toothache

You should not ignore a toothache, even if you think there is no problem with yout teeths! Tengri Lifestyle reporting the answers issues regarding to teeth care citing Doctorpiter.ru.
The root cause of unpleasant symptoms will not disappear without examination and the help of a doctor.
“The absence of caries during a visual examination at home, it does not mean that there are no issues with your teeth. Pain is a way that your body is giving signals to you about some disturbances. It simultaneously informs us of problems and mobilizes internal resources to fight and protect,” – said orthopedic dentist Raul Otkhozoria.
Otkhozoria recalls that If you do not pay attention to pain for a long period of time and if you try to drown the pain out with medicines then you’re not fighting back against the cause of pain but just postponing the problem which can lead to extremely negative consequences.
“When a tooth hurts and there is no visible caries, the pathological process can develop on the contact surface between the teeth or in the subgingival zone,” he adds.
As you know, not only caries can cause pain. There are a number of problems that are difficult to diagnose on their own, for example, periodontitis, chips, injuries, cracks in the enamel, inflammation of soft tissues, such as periodontal disease.
The expert also listed the symptoms for which it is worth contacting a dentist. For example:
- a noticeable change in the shade of the enamel,
- discomfort and discomfort when closing the jaws;
- blood when brushing teeth;
- neoplasms in the mouth.
Raul Otkhozoria adds that any toothache is a good reason to see a doctor, even though if you see them regularly. The specialist emphasizes that the sooner you go to the dentist, the easier the treatment and restoration of teeth will be.