
“We plan to attract best 500 foreign specialists to Kazakhstan” – Minister of Labor

Kazakhstan to introduce new type of visas for investors, scientists, pedagogues and other qualified professions.

The government approved the concept of migration policy for 2023-2027 “Ashyk Kazakhstan 500+”. The document was presented by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Tamara Duysenova.

The new policy contains three key issues, they are as follows:

  • stimulating the influx of qualified personnel into the country;
  • protection of the rights of Kazakhstanis working abroad;
  • elimination of demographic imbalances between the regions of the country.

It is planned to attract 500 best specialists which are in rare professions to Kazakhstan. To strengthen the teaching staff and improve the quality of education, it is proposed to attract 100 best teachers to the country .

For undergraduates and bachelors from among foreign students studying in professions which have shortage labor, a simplified procedure for issuing a ten-year “Scientific and Pedagogical Visa” with the right to obtain a residence permit, and subsequently citizenship of Kazakhstan, will be introduced.

It is also proposed to reduce the investment visa requirement to 300 thousand dollars. For migrant investors, the introduction of an “Investor Visa” with a residence permit and the right to register a business, own property, hire staff, make financial payments and freely carry out any operations arising from their business activities is envisaged.

In additon, they intend to attract 100 best foreign specialists to Kazakhstan in professions that are in-demand and at the same time have a shortge in labor for Kazakhstan. A visa type for the “Qualified professionals ” with a residence permit will be introduced for IT specialists, engineers in various fields, anesthesiologists, neurosurgeons, and so on.

“it is proposed to create a “Unified Information System for Recording the Movement of Migrants” in order to record the movement of migration flows. This will allow the state to effectively identify violations of migration laws and also it will simplify the receipt of public services for people, saving time and minimizing contact with government agencies.” said Tamara Duysenova.

The concept of migration policy also includes norms that ensure the protection of the rights of citizens of Kazakhstan working abroad. It is proposed to adopt a package of interstate agreements that guarantee the rights of Kazakhstani labor migrants in those countries where the largest number of Kazakhstanis work.





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