
Vice President of Türkiye to Embark on Official Visit to Turkmenistan

Vice President of Türkiye, Cevdet Yilmaz, is scheduled to visit Turkmenistan as part of the “7th meeting of the Turkish-Turkmen Intergovernmental Economic Commission”, TuraNews.kz reports.

Today marks the commencement of Vice President Cevdet Yilmaz’s official visit to Turkmenistan, coinciding with the aforementioned economic commission meeting.

During his visit, Yilmaz is set to hold a meeting with the President of Turkmenistan, Sardar Berdimuhamedov. Additionally, he will visit the Independence Monument of Turkmenistan and inaugurate the 10th Exhibition of Turkish Export Products. This exhibition, organized in collaboration with TOBB and DEIK, will take place at the Exhibition Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.

Following a one-on-one discussion with Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Batir Atdayev, Yilmaz will preside over the meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkish-Turkmen Economic Commission of the seventh convocation. The visit will also include Yilmaz’s participation in the signing ceremony of the commission agreement.

Yilmaz is expected to address the Turkish-Turkmen Business Forum’s opening session and subsequently visit the Arkadag smart city and the International Akhal-Teke Equestrian Sports Complex.





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