Uzbekistan to relocate major industrial enterprises outside cities
In major cities of Uzbekistan, a ban will be introduced on the opening of enterprises that harm the environment.

The corresponding decree was signed by the head of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
According to the document, from May 1 of this year, the opening of enterprises for the production of asbestos, cement, leather and poultry factories, metallurgical plants and chemical products will be prohibited in large cities and regional centers.
In addition, until October 1 of this year, the government of Uzbekistan will develop a plan for the phased withdrawal of enterprises that have a significant negative impact on the environment and consume large amounts of electricity, located in the cities of Tashkent and Nukus.
According to the Ministry of Ecology, the transfer of harmful industries from Tashkent, Nukus and regional centers to remote areas will contribute to improving the ecological situation.
Recall that this year Uzbekistan intends to bring the share of “green” energy sources to 26%.