
Uzbekistan to Impose Fines for Illegally Involving Children in Religious Education

Uzbekistan is set to introduce fines for parents who illegally involve their children in religious education. A bill prohibiting parents from sending their children to study with unregistered religious organizations or individuals without proper education was adopted in the first reading.

During a session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the draft law “On introducing amendments and additions to certain legislative acts to further strengthen children’s rights” was approved. The bill aims to amend Article 47 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, adding provisions that establish administrative liability for parents or guardians who illegally involve a child in religious education.

Under the new bill, parents or guardians who illegally involve a child in religious education will face fines ranging from 10 to 15 times the basic calculated amount, which is used instead of the minimum wage. If the same offense is repeated within a year, the fine increases to between 15 and 25 times the basic amount, or it may result in administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

Additionally, the bill prohibits parents or guardians from involving children in religious education that violates the law. This includes sending children to unregistered or unlicensed organizations, or to individuals who lack the necessary religious education credentials and permission from the central governing body of religious organizations in Uzbekistan.

Deputies highlighted that the adoption of this bill will help protect children’s rights in education and prevent them from being exposed to religious extremism, separatism, and fanaticism.





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