
Uzbekistan to Deliver 500 Million Cubic Meters of Water to Kazakhstan by End of Irrigation Season

Uzbekistan is set to send an additional 500 million cubic meters of water to Kazakhstan by the end of the irrigation season. Since April 1, Uzbekistan has already supplied more than 4 billion cubic meters of water to Kazakhstan through the Syr Darya River.

The Shardara Reservoir in Kazakhstan currently holds 1.5 billion cubic meters of water, which is about 500 million cubic meters more than it did at this time last year. In total, 4 billion cubic meters of water have been delivered to the Shardara Reservoir.

From the Shardara Reservoir, 4.5 billion cubic meters of water have been released to the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River, which is 1 billion cubic meters more than last year. Additionally, more than 850 million cubic meters have been sent to the Kyzylkum Canal, and over 590 million cubic meters have reached the North Aral Sea.

“Thanks to negotiations and preliminary agreements with our neighbors on the work schedules of the Toktogul and Bakhri-Tojik reservoirs, water is steadily flowing into the Kazakh part of the interstate Dostyk Canal. Currently, 90 cubic meters of water per second are flowing into our country through the canal, which is sufficient to provide farmers in the Turkestan region with irrigation water,” stated Moldir Abdualieva, the official representative of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.



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