
Uzbekistan rises to 40th place in the ranking Open Data Inventory

Uzbekistan, according to the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) rating, having scored 66 points, rose to 40th place in this rating and retained 1st place in Central Asia, Turanews.kz reports citing Statistics Agency of Uzbekistan.

in 2020, Uzbekistan’s score was 63 points and took 44th place and last year among 192 countries, Uzbekistan scored 66 points and rose to 40th place in the ranking.

Among the countries of Central Asia, Uzbekistan took first place. In the world ranking, Kazakhstan is ranked 48th, Kyrgyzstan – 89th, Tajikistan – 120th and Turkmenistan – 192nd.

Based on the results of the 2022 ranking, Singapore took first place. Denmark and Finland follow.

Open Data Watch is an international non-profit organization working at the intersection of open data and official statistics. Their work facilitates the implementation of changes in production and the management of official statistics. Open Data Watch has created an Open Data Registry (ODIN) to conduct annual assessments of the coverage and openness of official statistics in countries around the world. By monitoring the quality and transparency of data, they can help governments, international organizations and citizens meet the challenges of measuring and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



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