
Uzbekistan launches “Immune” milk to neutralize coronavirus

Uzbekistan has launched a unique product for sale: immune milk that can neutralize coronavirus. The milk is produced by PanaevFarms, a company in the capital of Karakalpakstan, Nukus, reports.

The immune milk is made from the milk of cows that have been vaccinated against coronavirus. The cows were vaccinated with the Uzbek-Chinese ZF-UZ-VAC2001 vaccine. Two weeks after the second dose, the cows developed neutralizing antibodies in their milk.

The immune milk has been tested and found to be effective at neutralizing coronavirus. A scientific article on the results of the tests was published in the prestigious scientific journal Frontiers in Nutrition.

Experts believe that immune milk is a promising new treatment for coronavirus infection. They say that it is especially important in the context of the rapid spread of the new Eris omicron strain.

The immune milk is currently being produced on a small scale. However, PanaevFarms plans to expand production in the coming months. The milk is expected to be available for purchase in stores across Uzbekistan soon.



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