
Uzbekistan Foreign Ministry Affirms Strong Support for “One China” Principle

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Uzbekistan has officially declared its support for the “one China” principle, emphasizing that Taiwan is an integral part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This statement follows the recent presidential elections in Taiwan, where the current Vice President, Lai Qingde, emerged victorious. Lai Qingde is known for advocating the island’s independence, TuraNews.kz reports.

The global spotlight on the elections in Taiwan, held on January 13, has prompted various nations to respond to the political developments. Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry, in its official communiqué, expressed unwavering support for the “one China” principle. The Ministry emphasized its recognition of the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the sole legitimate authority over China, considering Taiwan an integral part of Chinese territory.

“The Republic of Uzbekistan strongly advocates the peaceful development of relations between the two banks and supports all efforts of the PRC government to implement the reunification of China,” stated Uzbek Foreign Ministry.

Notably, Lai Qingde’s primary competitor in the elections, New Taipei Mayor Hou Yui, diverged from advocating Taiwanese independence and rejected the PRC’s “one country, two systems” approach. Instead, Hou Yui proposed active diplomatic and economic engagement with Beijing during his election campaign. The Uzbek stance signals a clear alignment with the PRC’s position on the issue and a commitment to fostering peaceful relations in the region.




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