
Uzbek entrepreneurs to produce silk fabric in Turkestan region

Uzbek entrepreneurs will produce silk fabric in the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan by planting mulberry trees, reports..

Akim (Municipal) of the region Darkhan Satybaldy met with Uzbek entrepreneurs trained in the production of fabrics from silkworms. The entrepreneurs plan to plant seedlings on 200 hectares in the Zhetysai and Maktaaral regions. Up to 50 tons of leaves are produced per hectare, and they will start by sowing the “Markhabat” mulberry variety, the leaves of which can be collected four times a year.

At a meeting with a delegation of Uzbekistan led by the chairman of the Uzbekipaksanoat Association Olimjon Jumaev, Akim Satybaldy expressed his readiness to support new initiatives and exchange of experience. They talked about the investment potential of the region, support and benefits provided to investors.

“From the point of view of the development of trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian relations, Uzbekistan is one of the important and reliable partners of the Turkestan region. Thanks to mutual cooperation, trade turnover is growing. There is a high potential for the development of the sericulture industry in the region. The climate of the region also contributes to this,” said Satybaldy.

The profit from a mulberry tree planted on 1 hectare of land can reach up to one million tenge. And the products can be sold to Eastern Europe, South Korea and China, where the demand for such goods is very high.

To implement investment projects, there are investment platforms such as industrial zones of the Turkestan region and the special economic zone “Turkistan”, which provide their participants with various tax benefits and preferences.

In addition, a special economic zone “Turan” is being created in the Turkestan region, according to the instructions of the Head of State. The peculiarity of this project is that investors from Turkic-speaking countries will work in one region. Manufacturing enterprises will be located here without special restrictions.

This investment project is expected to boost the development of the agro-industrial complex in the Turkestan region, create new jobs, and increase the region’s export potential.


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