
Uzbek-Chinese Educational Forum Strengthens Academic Ties with 70 Bilateral Agreements

the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of Uzbekistan, and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China organized the Uzbek-Chinese educational forum in Beijing on January 22

The forum witnessed the participation of rectors from 37 leading universities in Uzbekistan and 110 higher educational institutions in China.

A crucial meeting between First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of Uzbekistan, K. Karimov, and Deputy Minister of Education of China, Cheng Sze, set the tone for the discussions on the developmental role of high-level visits and prospects for bilateral cooperation.

The panel sessions during the forum, focusing on exact disciplines, engineering, agriculture, ICT, humanities, medicine, and pharmaceuticals, brought together academic leaders from both countries.

A remarkable outcome of the event was the signing of 70 bilateral documents between educational institutions, along with agreements for joint educational programs involving more than 300 students studying at leading Chinese universities. Additionally, arrangements were made for grant programs benefiting over 100 Uzbek students.

The pinnacle of collaboration was marked by the adoption of the Beijing Declaration, outlining the roadmap for cooperation between Uzbek and Chinese higher educational institutions. The declaration emphasizes the establishment of an institutional platform, the model formation of Chinese-Central Asian educational cooperation, the expansion of academic exchange programs, and the implementation of joint scientific and innovative projects.





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