
Turksoy Secretary General visited Kyrgyz yurt camp

Schoolchildren in Kahramanmaras city study in Kyrgyz yurts

The epicenter of the devastating earthquakes hit Türkiye on February 6, in Kahramanmaras city schoolchildren city are continuing their education in Kyrgyz yurts. The Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev posted this on his Facebook page.

The Secretary General visited Kahramanmaras city and had a briefing from Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Donmez and Governor of the city Haydar Mete about the situation in the most effected area from the earthquakes.

“Today, the most effected area in the area that most affected by the earthquakes, in Kahramanmaras, school classes are keeping held, medical centers operate, psychological assistance is provided, field kitchens are organized and the people of the city live in the Kyrgyz yurts.

When we approached the yurt camp, the first two flags that caught my eye were those of Kyrgyzstan and Türkiye. When we saw that the Kyrgyz banner turned out to be much higher than the Turkish one, we asked our Turkish brothers about the reason. They said that this is how they express their respect and reverence to their brother-in-blood Kyrgyz people for being one of the first to provide support in the most difficult days,” shared The Secretary of General.

He added that that the Turkish people also noted the practicality of yurts. The Secretary General of TURKSOY also talked with the residents of the city and learned about their well-being. Each of the interlocutors expressed sincere words of gratitude.


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