
TURKSOY became a member of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Friends Group

The International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) has become the 159th member of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Friends Group, Turanews.kz reports citing the Press Service of TURKSOY

In the letter sent from the UN High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations to TURKSOY on February 28, 2023, it was reported that the Organization was accepted as the 159th member of the Alliance of Civilizations (MI) Friends Group.

With the participation of TURKSOY in the MI Friends Group, which was established under the UN umbrella, the formation, which increased the number of members from countries and international organizations to 159, was shaped as 129 UN Member States, 1 Non-UN Member State, and 29 International Organizations.

In his statement on TURKSOY’s membership in the MI Friends Group, Secretary General Raev underlined the close ties between TURKSOY member countries and UNAOC, emphasizing that their aim is to further consolidate these ties on a common ground. Secretary General Raev stated that they are ready to implement various projects for the promotion of TURKSOY, which will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2023, in various countries of the world in cooperation with UNAOC.

In this context, it was stated in the statement that TURKSOY and UNAOC will join forces as supporters of cultural diplomacy with the activities they have carried out at the national and international level so far.

As the General Secretariat of TURKSOY, in July 2022, as a result of mutual consultations with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, a cooperation protocol was signed between TURKSOY Secretary General Sultan Raev and UN Alliance of Civilizations High Representative Miguel Angel Moratinos at the 9th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Initiative. was taken under.


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