
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan Hold Historic Trilateral Summit

The presidents of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan held a historic trilateral summit in Ashgabat on August 4th. The summit was the first of its kind and was seen as a sign of the growing cooperation between the three countries, Turanews.kz reports.

The summit agenda focused on three main areas:

  • Rational use of water resources of the Amudarya River: The presidents discussed ways to ensure the sustainable use of the Amudarya River, which is a vital source of water for all three countries.
  • Development and activation of cooperation in the field of energy: The presidents discussed ways to expand cooperation in the energy sector, including the development of new gas pipelines and power lines.
  • Strengthening cooperation in the field of transportation and logistics, and expansion of transportation operations: The presidents discussed ways to improve transportation links between the three countries, including the establishment of a new transportation corridor.

The summit was a success and resulted in a number of agreements, including:

  • An agreement to establish a joint working group to develop a plan for the sustainable use of the Amudarya River.
  • An agreement to cooperate on the development of new gas pipelines and power lines.
  • An agreement to establish a new transportation corridor between the three countries.

The summit was hailed as a major step forward in the development of regional cooperation in Central Asia. The presidents expressed their commitment to working together to address common challenges and to promote peace and stability in the region.


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