
Turkmenistan to Modernize “Turkmenhimiya” to Boost Fertilizer Production

Туркменистан намерен модернизировать государственный концерн "Туркменхимия" для увеличения производства азотных удобрений.

Turkmenistan plans to modernize the state concern “Turkmenhimiya” to increase the production of nitrogen fertilizers. Deputy Chairman Baymyrat Annamamedov announced this during a Cabinet of Ministers meeting, according to the Trend agency.

Annamamedov highlighted the significance of expanding the capacity of the Maryazot production association. Technical plans have already been developed for constructing a new mineral fertilizer complex, which will include advanced engineering systems.

The primary goal of the project is to enhance fertilizer production for domestic agriculture, with the additional aim of exporting surplus products to international markets.

Following the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of establishing modern production facilities that comply with current standards. He approved the proposal for the new complex and directed officials to begin preparatory work.




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