
Turkmenistan Celebrates Week of Culture

The Week of Culture 2023 kicked off in Turkmenistan on June 22, with a series of concerts and events. The opening ceremony was held at the Mukams Palace in Ashgabat, and was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Myakhrijemal Mammedova, representatives of media structures, artists, and guests, reports.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov welcomed the participants and guests of the Week of Culture in a letter that was read aloud by Mammedova. Berdimuhamedov described the week of culture as a “festival of Turkmen culture and art,” and stated that the joint holding of the Week of Culture of the Turkic States further increased the significance of the cultural events.

As part of the event, which was held for the 11th time this year, the participants visited an exhibition of fine arts, Turkmen local clothing, Turkmen national musical instruments, and books that opened at the Mukamlar Palace. The event also featured concerts of famous artists of the country and performances of dance groups.

The Week of Culture will last until June 29, and will be held in various cities and towns across Turkmenistan. The event is a celebration of Turkmen culture and art, and is an opportunity for people from all over the country to come together and enjoy the rich cultural heritage of Turkmenistan.



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