
Türkiye and Bulgaria target $10B trade volume

Türkiye and Bulgaria aimed at boosting their bilateral trade volume to $10 billion, According to Bulgarian Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Poulev.

Speaking at the opening of the event organized by the DEIK Türkiye-Bulgaria Business Council, Bulgarian Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Poulev stated that they came to Türkiye with a large delegation which means it is a very strong sign of their political will and determination to do more business with a friendly neighbor country like Türkiye.

Bulgarian Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Poulev stated that bilateral trade between Türkiye and Bulgaria has grown and , “Bilateral trade volume is at historical record levels now. However, we can still do more. Our target is to reach 10 billion Euros in the coming years.” he said.

Pointing out that there is a shared history between the two countries as well as many cultural similarities and very strong economic bases for doing more business, Poulev underlined the importance of continuing to develop bilateral trade relations between the countries.




TRT Avaz


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