
Turkish Forces Neutralize High-Profile PKK Militants in Southeastern Operation

In the suburbs of southeastern Türkiye, the Turkish Armed Forces neutralized two PKK terrorists, one of whom was on the Ministry of Internal Affairs' red list of most wanted individuals.

As part of Operation Bozdoğan-45, Turkish Armed Forces neutralized two PKK terrorists in the suburbs of Batman, Türkiye. One of the militants was on the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ red list of most wanted individuals, announced the head of the department, Ali Yerlikaya.

Yerlikaya identified the neutralized terrorists by their call signs, “Beritan Amara” (Sultan Dag) and “Zeynep Judy” (Zeynep Nibat). He noted that these individuals were involved in nine terrorist attacks, resulting in the deaths of six law enforcement officers and injuries to 19 others.

Additionally, Yerlikaya reported that during the Kurban holiday, anti-terrorist operations led to the neutralization of 11 militants. Among them, two were on the red wanted list, four on the orange list, and two on the gray list.



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