
Turkic World Medical Congress held in Samarkand

Samarkand, Uzbekistan hosted the Turkic World Medical Congress from August 16, 2023. The congress was attended by delegations from the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS): Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye, and Tatarstan, Turanews.kz reports.

The purpose of the congress was to study the unique heritage, rich experience, and historical traditions of medicine of the Turkic peoples, as well as to apply and popularize the achievements of modern innovative medicine.

In his opening remarks, Turkish Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca thanked the fraternal Turkic peoples for their help in eliminating the consequences of the recent earthquakes in Türkiye. “Taking this opportunity, on behalf of the entire Turkish people, I express my gratitude to all the fraternal countries that, sharing our pain, sent search and rescue and medical teams, medicines and other necessary supplies to assist in the aftermath of the “earthquake of the century” that destroyed 11 cities in Türkiye. “, he noted.

The congress featured a number of presentations and workshops on topics such as traditional Turkic medicine, public health, and medical education. It also included an exhibition of modern medical equipment and pharmaceutical products from the OTS countries.

In addition to the congress, the OTS ministers of health also held a meeting in Samarkand. The meeting focused on ways to strengthen cooperation in the field of medicine between the OTS countries.

The Uzbek-Turkish medical forum was also held in Samarkand on August 16. The forum was attended by the ministers of health of Uzbekistan and Türkiye, as well as representatives from medical universities, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies from both countries.

The forum resulted in the signing of a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding on cooperation in the field of medicine.

The Turkic World Medical Congress was a major event that brought together healthcare professionals from across the Turkic world. It was an opportunity to share knowledge and expertise, and to discuss ways to improve the health of people in the OTS countries.


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