Turkic World Explores Scientific and Technical Collaboration to Tackle Global Challenges

On December 26, 2023, a significant working meeting delving into “Multilateral scientific cooperation and cooperation among Turkic states in overcoming regional and global threats” was convened by the Turkic Academy and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of the Republic of Türkiye (TÜBITAK).
The event, supported by the Secretariat of the Organization of Turkic States, drew notable figures including Prof. Dr. Shahin Mustafayev, President of the Turkic Academy, Kubanychbek Omuraliev, Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States, and Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, President of TÜBITAK.
The discussions spanned various thematic areas, with the first session focusing on an exploration of the scientific and technological potentials of the participating countries. Representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Academy of Sciences, and Science Foundations of Azerbaijan and Türkiye, among others, actively engaged in proposing initiatives to strengthen mutual cooperation.
The second session delved into collaborative efforts to overcome regional and global threats through multilateral scientific cooperation among Turkic states. Prof. Dr. Aziz Sanjar, a Nobel Laureate and professor at the University of North Carolina, contributed to the discussion online, sharing insightful thoughts on the matter.
The meeting further fostered an open dialogue on the potential creation of shared platforms in the realms of science and technology. Acknowledging the imperative for comprehensive integration in the age of globalization and rapidly advancing technologies, the participants highlighted the significance of scientists from neighboring countries exchanging experiences and jointly implementing projects.
Expressing gratitude to the organizers for a productive meeting, the participants emphasized the importance of continuing such gatherings in the future to further strengthen scientific integration among fraternal nations.