
Turkic World always stand together!

While the support messages continue to come from all over world after the earthquakes in Türkiye, the artists of the Turkic World keep sending their supports as well.

Expressing their condolences with the videos they share on their social media accounts, at the same time TURKSOY artists give the message “We Turkic world stand together”.

Within the scope of the “We are together” campaign, the artists from all over the Turkic World are sending video posts messages in which they share the pain of Türkiye and helping aid campaigns to contribute to the healing of the wounds of the earthquake .

In addition to the ongoing large donation campaigns in TURKSOY member countries, artists of the Turkic World continue to give their material and moral support to Türkiye by participating in various aid campaigns. The aid collected in the campaigns is accumulated in the aid accounts opened by the Turkish Embassy of the relevant country.

The Turkish World shows once again that they are always together in grief and joy.


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