
Turkic States Strengthen Global Influence with Trade and Unity

The Organization of Turkic States is emerging as a significant global power center, showcasing its vision, projects, and activities amidst the current global circumstances. Member countries, situated strategically along crucial logistics channels, are playing a vital role in addressing worldwide challenges such as food and energy crises through their abundant resources and geostrategic positions, reports.

Fostering unity, cooperation, solidarity, and integration based on partnership, the member countries are not only contributing to global problem-solving but also advancing in trade relations.

According to data from the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), exports to the Commonwealth of Turkic States (CSA), comprising Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan, have reached $5.6 billion. This figure, up from $4.8 billion during the same period last year, reflects a significant 16.3% increase on an annual basis.

During this period, the highest export among CSA countries was to Azerbaijan, amounting to $1.8 billion. Additionally, exports of $1.5 billion were made to Kazakhstan, $1.4 billion to Uzbekistan, and $884.7 million to Kyrgyzstan. This marks the highest January-October exports of all time to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Kazakhstan witnessed the highest increase in exports among all member countries, with a remarkable 45% surge in the first 10 months of the year compared to the same period last year. Kyrgyzstan followed with a 25.2% increase, Uzbekistan with 7.2%, and Azerbaijan with 2.8%.

The chemical substances and products sector took the lead in exports to CSA countries, accounting for $981.6 million in the first 10 months of the year. Following closely were the ready-made clothing and apparel industry with $655 million, the electrical and electronics industry with $617.2 million, and the air conditioning industry with $344.5 million.



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