TRNC to solve electricity shortage
After the solution of the water problem of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, it's planned to solve the electricity issue. The works are underway to take electricity by cable under the sea.

Türkiye is working on the electricity problem in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Metin Feyzioglu, the Ambassador of Nicosia who participated in the meetings held in Türkiye, he said that all necessary steps will be taken for the development of the TRNC.
Feyzioglu said, “All electricity needs of Northern Cyprus will be solved soon which means there will be no more interruption in the electricity supply and at the same time the electricity costs will become cheaper than before. As the cost gets lower in the electriciy, people of TRNC will live in more comfortable conditions.” said.
3 projects
Vice President Oktay and TRNC Prime Minister Ustel told about 3 projects to be implemented for the TRNC at the press conference they held yesterday.
- Turkish citizens living in the TRNC to benefit from the health system in Türkiye,
- The construction of social housing in the Derinya region of the TRNC in cooperation with TOKİ
- The electricity supplement to the TRNC with a cable line to be drawn from Türkiye under the sea.