
TRNC President condemns attack on mosque in southern Cyprus

The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Ersin Tatar, has condemned the attack on a mosque in the territory of the Greek administration of Southern Cyprus in Limassol, Turanews.kz reports.

In a written statement, Tatar said that the Molotov cocktail attack on the Ibrahimag Koprulu Mosque in Limassol was an arson attempt.

“This attack is a manifestation of hostile malice towards the faith and sacred values of more than 2 billion people around the world, which cannot be explained by democracy and freedom of opinion,” Tatar said.

He called for all those involved in the attack to be brought to justice.

“Paying attention to the need to immediately bring to justice those responsible for the attacks on our historical, religious and cultural values, I would like to emphasize that such actions pose a threat to all mankind. I condemn this attack,” Tatar said.

Tatar also reminded that tolerance between different religions and cultures is the cornerstone of harmony and peace.

“The monstrous attack on the mosque is a manifestation of Islamophobia and a crime against tolerance and humanity,” he said.

The attack on the mosque is the latest in a series of attacks on religious sites in Cyprus. In recent years, there have been several attacks on mosques and churches in the north and south of the island.

The attacks have been condemned by both the Turkish and Greek Cypriot communities. The United Nations has also called for an end to the attacks.


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