
Tokayev and Xi Jinping Address Media after Bilateral Talks

Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and China's President Xi Jinping held a media briefing following their bilateral discussions.

Tokayev expressed his gratitude to Xi Jinping for visiting Kazakhstan, highlighting the significance of the visit in strengthening Kazakh-Chinese relations. He emphasized that their relationship is based on principles of good neighborliness, friendship, and a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Tokayev noted the deep historical ties and the mutually beneficial trade and humanitarian connections between Kazakhstan and China. He expressed confidence in the bright future of these relations, underpinned by strong political trust and support. He mentioned that Kazakhstan and China have no unresolved issues and are committed to enhancing cooperation in trade, economics, science, technology, culture, and humanitarian efforts.

During the talks, both leaders signed a Joint Statement outlining key achievements and future tasks. Tokayev highlighted that China is Kazakhstan’s leading trading partner, with bilateral trade reaching $41 billion last year, and plans to double this figure in the near future. He noted the significant Chinese investments in Kazakhstan, amounting to about $25 billion over the past 15 years.

Tokayev stated that 45 projects worth a total of $14.5 billion are currently being implemented, involving over 4,700 enterprises with Chinese capital. He stressed the importance of further implementing investment projects in energy, infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, finance, transport, aerospace, and IT.

Energy cooperation is a critical area, with ongoing projects such as petrochemical plants, oil refinery modernization, and the expansion of the Kazakhstan–China oil pipeline. Tokayev also highlighted the meeting of the Kazakh-Chinese Business Council, where several investment agreements were signed.

The discussion included transport and logistics cooperation, particularly the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route. Tokayev mentioned the significant increase in rail freight traffic and the development of joint projects in dry ports like Lianyungang, Xi’an, and Khorgos.

In agriculture, Kazakhstan is keen on adopting Chinese technologies and innovations. Exports of agricultural products from Kazakhstan to China doubled to $1 billion, with plans to further increase grain exports.

Education cooperation is also developing dynamically, with over 4,000 Kazakh students in Chinese universities. Tokayev announced the opening of a branch of the Beijing University of Language and Culture in Astana and plans for another “Lu Ban Workshop” to train specialists.

Cultural and humanitarian ties are strengthening, with plans for cultural centers and events in both countries. The visa-free regime for Kazakh and Chinese citizens has benefited entrepreneurs, tourists, and young people.

Tokayev and Xi Jinping also discussed regional and global issues, emphasizing the importance of multilateral diplomacy and successful partnerships within frameworks like the UN, SCO, and CICA.

In conclusion, Tokayev praised the fruitful talks and expressed confidence in achieving ambitious goals within the new “golden 30th anniversary” of Kazakh-Chinese relations, ensuring sustainable development and improved well-being for both nations.

Xi Jinping also appreciated the warm and productive nature of the talks.



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