
The week of Manas was held within the framework of the IV World Nomad Games in Bursa

In this year’s cultural capital of the Turkic world, the city of Bursa, a project was launched to popularize the world-famous Manas epic, which occupies an important place in the Kyrgyz oral folk literature and is considered one of the unique literary and cultural masterpieces of the Turkic world.

Within the framework of the “Week of Manas”, residents and guests of Bursa will be able to get acquainted with this cultural heritage of the Turkic world in the Merino city park of Bursa.

The event was attended by well-known storytellers-manaschi from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

In his speech, the Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev said the following: “Today, the Manas epic, which is of great value to the Kyrgyz people and the entire Turkic world has brought us all together in the city of Bursa, the ancient metropolis of fraternal Turkey and the cultural capital of the Turkic world. It is a huge happiness for us to see everyone who participates in the popularization of this cultural masterpiece of the Turkic world.

The significance of the epic “Manas” for the entire Turkic world retains its high relevance today as a bright cultural heritage that has been preserved despite the centuries. In this context, before the IV World Nomad Games which will be held at the end of September, we’ll organize this big event in Turke with the support of  Bursa City Hall and many partner institutions and organizations. There are many well-known Manaschi narrators from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkey among us and they will present us their performance of excerpts from the ancient epic Manas.

In his speech at the opening ceremony in Merino Park, Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Turkey Kubanychbek Omuraliev stressed that the Manas epic is a heroic tale that has been performed orally for centuries, and is one of the cornerstones of spiritual life and an important source of inspiration for the Kyrgyz people.

Stating that “Manas” differs from the world-famous epics not only in its volume, but also in the depth and originality of its artistic content, Omuraliev noted the following: “The epic not only reflects the life of the Kyrgyz and other Turkic peoples who have come into contact throughout the historical process in ethno-cultural and economic plans, but also contains interesting information about the history, culture and geography of foreign peoples and countries with which the Kyrgyz people had diplomatic relations in the past.

The past of our Kyrgyz brothers and the entire Turkic world is an epic history

The chief adviser to the President of Turkey, Yalcin Topcu, stressed the importance of this event for the Turkic world. Congratulating everyone who contributed to its preparation and holding, Topcu stated the following: “The past of our Kyrgyz brothers and the entire Turkic world is an epic history. We have a common history full of glory, honor and dignity. The people of Kyrgyzstan and the Turkish people grew up in different cradles, but they have a common origin, culture and spirituality. This is true and the whole world should know that we are real brothers and sisters.”

The Mayor of Bursa, Alinur Aktas, said in his speech that the heroic tales that were formed in the past have come down to our days through oral tradition.

Emphasizing that the Turkic nation has presented many epics to world culture over its thousand-year history, Aktash noted the following: “Since epics are the voice of the conscience of society, they are very important works that strengthen national consciousness and ensure national solidarity. The elements that support the life of society, such as ideals and traditions formed by a common consciousness, are a vision of life and its reflection in epics, and in this respect, the legend is a source for studying the characteristics of peoples, their social structure, ideals, national values, traditions and customs ” .

An attempt to set a record for the longest performance of the Manas epic

The program, which continued with the performance by Kyrgyz storytellers of excerpts from the famous Kyrgyz epic “Manas” and performances of folk dance groups, also attempted the longest performance of “Manas” for the Guinness Book of Records, which will last 8 days.

Activities within the framework of the “Week of Manas” will continue throughout the week in tents set up on the territory of Merinos Park, and will be open to all participants.


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