
The first document that confirms the borders of the Caspian Sea was adopted

Parliament ratified the delimitation of the Kazakh-Turkmen border

“Even if the waters of the Caspian Sea recede, the line demarcating the territory of the countries will remain the same.” – Deputies of the Upper House approved the agreement, which provides for this statement. with the new document it’s planned to prevent disputes between the two sides regarding the division of the seabed.

This is the first document that legally establishes the border between the states on the Caspian coast.

The historical agreement was developed to define the border line, as well as delineate the boundaries of fish farming areas. It also increases the investment attractiveness of the sea.

The main purpose in the agreement is to further ensure the stability in the settlement of border issues in the spirit of mutual respect, trust, equal rights, friendship and cooperation between Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan states. Let’s remind that this contract was signed on October 25 last year in Ashgabat.

Jibek Joly


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