
The Competition Agency of Kazakhstan accuses Yandex.Taxi of deliberately dragging out the proceedings

In Kazakhstan, a report for an administrative offense was drawn up against Yandex.Taxi, reports citing The Press service of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition of the country.

In 2022, the Agency had conducted an analysis on the product market of taxi information and dispatch services for the period 2020-2021 in the country.

According to the results of the analysis, the market share of Yandex.Taxi in the biggest city of Kazakhstan, in Almaty it was 83.78% in 2020, and 84.34% in following year. In the capital city Astana the share of Yandex.Taxi was 60.7% in and 67.3% in 2021. Even though Yandex.Taxi interfered with the analysis by refusing to provide information about the service’s activities, the reaults was confirmed with the help of legal organs.

Based on the results of the analysis, it turned out that the position occupied by Yandex.Taxi has been demonstrating stable growth for two or more years, which makes it possible to control and exert a significant influence on the general conditions for the circulation of goods on the market.

Recall that in January last year, after an citizens’ complaint received on the hotline, the Agency had opened an investigation against the taxi service Yandex to detect possible signs of coordination of economic activity. Over the past year, the department received 6 appeals regarding Yandex Taxi.Corp regarding high prices for taxi services. The Agency had reported that if monopoly-high prices are revealed, then response measures will be taken and the commission will be reduced.


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