
Telephone Conversation between Presidents of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev conveyed his congratulations to Ilham Aliyev for achieving a significant victory in the exceptional presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the conversation, President Tokayev emphasized that the election results unequivocally reflect the strong national endorsement of Ilham Aliyev’s strategic agenda and extensive reforms aimed at bolstering the state apparatus, enhancing socio-economic prosperity, and augmenting the country’s standing on the global stage.

President Tokayev further conveyed his best wishes to President Aliyev for the successful realization of all outlined initiatives, geared towards advancing the well-being and progress of the Azerbaijani populace.

In reciprocation, President Aliyev expressed gratitude for the felicitations from Kazakhstan and reiterated his unwavering commitment to fostering deeper collaboration with fraternal Kazakhstan, rooted in centuries-old friendship, strategic partnership, and alliance.




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