
State of Emergency declared in six districts of Kazakhstan due to lack of irrigation water

A state of emergency has been declared in six districts of the Zhambyl region in southern Kazakhstan due to a lack of irrigation water and abnormally hot weather, reports.

The state of emergency was introduced by order of Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov on Wednesday. It will be in effect for two months, until October 22.

The affected districts are Bayzak, Zhambyl, Kordai, Merken, T. Ryskulov, and Talas. These districts are located in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River, which is the main source of irrigation water for the region.

The lack of irrigation water is due to a combination of factors, including low water flow from Kyrgyzstan, which shares the Syr Darya River with Kazakhstan, and abnormally hot weather.

The hot weather has also caused crop losses in the region. The Ministry of Agriculture estimates that about 7.8 thousand hectares of crops have been affected.

The state of emergency will allow the government to take urgent measures to address the water shortage and crop losses. These measures could include providing financial assistance to farmers, transporting water to the affected areas, and drilling new wells.

The government is also working to resolve the water dispute with Kyrgyzstan. The two countries are scheduled to hold talks on the issue next month.

The state of emergency is the latest in a series of challenges facing Kazakhstan’s agricultural sector. In recent years, the country has experienced a number of droughts, which have damaged crops and led to food shortages.

The government has taken steps to address the challenges facing the agricultural sector, such as investing in irrigation infrastructure and providing subsidies to farmers. However, more needs to be done to ensure the long-term sustainability of the sector.


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