
State of Emergency Declared in Astrakhan Following Building Collapse

A state of emergency has been declared in the Astrakhan region by Governor Igor Babushkin in response to the recent collapse of a residential building in Astrakhan, reports citing

Governor Babushkin announced the elevation of the emergency situation to the regional level, with all necessary regulatory documents for financial assistance already in place. The proposed payments are designed to support affected individuals, and the governor assured a swift disbursement process.

As of now, only one family has chosen to stay in a temporary detention center, while others have sought refuge with relatives. Governor Babushkin expressed a commitment to expeditiously allocate funds from a flexible fund to assist residents affected by the building collapse.

In additional details provided by the region’s leader, it was revealed that the collapsed structure had undergone multiple renovations and was under the management of a designated company, as indicated in the report from the city’s head. The governor emphasized a dedication to investigating the incident and ensuring that the affected individuals receive the necessary support during this challenging time.


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