
South Korean President Arrives in Uzbekistan for State Visit

On June 13, at the invitation of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President Yun Seok Yeol of South Korea and his wife arrived in Uzbekistan for a state visit. The distinguished guests were welcomed at Tashkent International Airport by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov and other officials, as reported by the Uza news agency.

In honor of the visiting President, the national flags of South Korea and Uzbekistan were raised, and a guard of honor was formed.

The main events of the visit are scheduled for June 14. High-level talks will address issues related to strengthening the Uzbek-Korean friendship and their special strategic partnership. Following the summit, several intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements are expected to be signed. The presidents of both countries will also participate in a joint business forum.

Additionally, President Yun Seok Yeol is set to visit Samarkand to explore Uzbekistan’s rich cultural and historical heritage.


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