
Social Contract” Program: 13,000 Entrepreneurs Launched Businesses in Kyrgyzstan

During a national meeting on social mobilization, Kyrgyzstan's President Sadyr Japarov highlighted the success of the "Social Contract" program, revealing that it has facilitated the establishment of over 70,000 businesses, enabling participants to lead dignified lives.

President Japarov, along with Prime Minister Akylbek Japarov and Minister of Labor, Social Security, and Migration Gulnara Baatyrova, convened to discuss the program’s impact.

Japarov underscored that within two years, over 77% of program participants earned weekly incomes of up to 5,000 soms, while more than 22% earned up to 10,000 soms. These statistics underscore the economic viability and significant benefits of the program for both participants and the state.

The president recounted the program’s inception three years ago as a pilot initiative involving 100 individuals in the Kadamzhai district of Batken and the Jumgal district of Naryn. Initially targeting impoverished households receiving child benefits, the program aimed to incentivize entrepreneurship and independent income generation.

Following the pilot’s success and positive outcomes for all 100 families, the program was expanded nationwide. Today, nearly 13,000 individuals are realizing their business aspirations, creating employment opportunities, and contributing to their families’ and local communities’ development through the “Social Contract.”

President Japarov expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Labor, Social Security, and Migration, as well as to experts and local activists, for their dedicated efforts in implementing this transformative program.


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