
Ruslan Kazakbaev met with a group of ethnic Kyrgyz in Türkiye

On January 16, 2023, Ambassador of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to Türkiye, Ruslan Kazakbaev met with a group of ethnic Kyrgyz headed by Bunyamin Toker, living in the Cubuk municipality of Ankara.

During the meeting, Ambassador Kazakbaev wondered the general situation and conditions of stay of ethnic Kyrgyz in Türkiye and informed about the work carried out by the authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic to assist ethnic Kyrgyz around the world, in particular, in the preservation and development of cultural and national identity.

In turn, ethnic Kyrgyz asked to provide support in the opening of the Ankara Ethnic Kyrgyz Society, actively involve representatives of the ethnic Kyrgyz diaspora in the Embassy’s events and consider the possibility of donating the national yurt as a gift to ethnic Kyrgyz in Cubuk, in accordance with the previously reached agreement.



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